Rapidly Grow Email Lists in ANY Niche FREE With Pinterest!
Your FREE Book Bundle Includes:

Plus get the latest ongoing Pinterest marketing secrets delivered to your inbox EVERY WEEK!!
Want to take all the "guesswork" out of using Pinterest?
This revolutionary software gives you an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE
over other Pinterest marketers!
Wouldn’t it be nice to KNOW which Pinterest pins & which keywords were performing BEST in your niche? ...Which pins were getting lots of repins, likes, and saves? … Exactly WHICH pins YOU should emulate to get MAXIMUM results?
Well, I've discovered a genius piece of software that generates TONS of Pinterest data in REAL TIME! First it tells you WHICH PINS and WHICH KEYWORDS in your niche are the BEST (and WHY)... It takes all the "guesswork" out of Pinterest marketing so you can create pins that both SHOW UP IN SEARCH and GET TREMENDOUSLY BETTER RESULTS MUCH FASTER!
And that's just the TIP of the ICEBERG on what this REVOLUTIONARY software can do.
It's called Pin Inspector (UPDATED! VERSION 2!)
I've been putting this software through is paces and WOW!
AND YES it works on both PC & MAC!
Look at all the built in data extraction tools you get!

1. FREE BONUSES, so even if you are a COMPLETE NEWBIE, you'll have all the info you need to succeed on Pinterest!
2. FREE PROFESSIONALLY DONE VIDEO TUTORIALS that show you step by step how to use this amazing software (very easy!)
My very special bonus guide (over 30 info-packed pages!) Includes:
• How to use your software to MAXIMUM benefit!
• How to make great use of all that PINTEREST data!
• My own added curated bonus Videos & Insider Bonus tips!
and more!...
My bonus puts you on the Pinterest success fast track!

This BONUS guide of mine could have been a $67 'stand alone product'! But it's yours FREE TODAY when you get your Pin Inspector software through this page!
SPECIAL UPDATE! I’ve also JUST SECURED a HUGE 44% DISCOUNT for you! (Almost HALF OFF!) …If you act TODAY.
OK, so what exactly IS Pin Inspector?
Pin Inspector is a revolutionary MULTI-FUNCTION user friendly PINTEREST software that Uncovers 📈Top Trending Searches, 📃Top Converting Content and 💰Best Performing Ads Directly on Pinterest!

Imagine having ALL the data you need (at your fingertips! in just minutes!) to produce money making pins people love...
What if you "magically" knew
• Exactly which pins on Pinterest were outperforming all the others in your niche!
• Which Pinterest keywords were best in your niche!
• Which boards were performing best in your niche!
• and even knew which promoted pins were performing best!
and what if you could have all ALL of that data in just MINUTES?
1. You'd save yourself TONS of time!
2. You'd save yourself TONS of headaches!
3. You'd know, very quickly, WHICH pins (and boards) you should emulate to get RESULTS!
4. You'd eliminate all the "guesswork"
5. You'd be ahead of 97% of all the Pinterest marketers out there!
Tell me more about this awesome software…
Ok, let me be honest here... this software does so many things it's impossible to list them all here BUT HERE ARE THE HIGHLIGHTS...
1. Keyword Data: Pin Inspector gives you Pinterest keyword data at the click of a mouse... (just enter a seed keyword and it generates the most popularly searched long tail Pinterest keywords in that niche!). You can get KW search volume too!
2. Pin Data: For EACH keyword you can instantly see which PINS are ranking AND see a ton of data for each pin (47 pieces of data for EACH pin!) including #saves, #repins, #followers, pin category, board link, board category, Pin hashtags, engagement level and tons more data!

3. Pinterest Trend Data: This is SO VALUABLE... You can ALSO see past trend data for groups of keywords to see if "demand" in that sub-niche is high, consistent, and/or seasonal!

4. Pinterest Board Data: This is handy too! You can instantly find the best boards in your niche and see the #followers, #pins, and more!

5. Pinterest PEOPLE Data: This one ALONE is worth getting this software! You can use this software to instantly find INFLUENCERS in your niche! (HINT: in my bonus guide, I show you how to USE THIS DATA to get yourself TONS OF FOLLOWERS quick and easy!)

And there's MORE...
The software includes easy to follow TUTORIAL VIDEOS that show you how to use all of the software tools and features! (and, it's all simple stuff).
There are 19 videos but most are very short (3-5 min) with a couple being 7-20 min... all very professionally done!
I ALSO like that there is 1 set of vids for PC users and another set for MAC users!

Tell me more about the Pin Inspector bonuses
What’s presented as "three" bonuses is actually TWELVE BONUSES... Here they are...
BONUS 1 consists of SIX PDFs:
• 7 tips to drive more traffic from Pinterest to your blog
• How to create clickworthy Pinterest pins in Canva
• How to Design High Performing Pinterest Pins
• How to Drive Traffic From Pinterest
• Pinterest for Bloggers How to Increase Your Traffic with Pinterest
• Pinterest SEO Tips for THIS Year
BONUS 2 consists of FIVE excellent videos:
• How To Make Money On Pinterest For Beginners - Make $3000 month Without A Website
• How To Make Money On Pinterest this year For Beginners (Make $10,000 Month)
• How to Make Money With Pinterest this year With or Without a Website
• How To Use Pinterest For BUSINESS this year Pinterest Marketing Tutorial
• Pinterest + Tailwind Traffic Strategy That Drives 100k Page Views Per Month
BONUS 3 Pinterest templates!
Here's the thing about the bonuses... it's all online ... Dave simply converted 6 detailed blog posts into PDFs and also downloaded 6 You Tube videos...
DON'T GET ME WRONG... it's beautifully curated material and all from 2021 (i.e. fully current and updated info) and EXCELLENT info too! (giving you everything you need to succeed on Pinterest)...but it IS online.
DAVE doesn't give you the links, he simply has you "download" the PDFs and videos to your hard drive to view them...
HOWEVER… In my exclusive BONUS guide (see below),
I include all the links to the above PDF & VIDEO bonus materials so you DON'T have to download it (those videos take up a LOT of hard drive space!).
I ALSO INCLUDE BONUS LINKS to provide you even MORE great step by step info!
FINALLY, I also ORGANIZE ALL THE MATERIAL so it's easy for you to follow in step by step fashion!
But there's much more in my exclusive bonus!
You see, as I went through the software, I had a (slight) issue: The software provides SO MUCH DATA which although is very exciting, it can also feel (at first) a bit overwhelming... What do I DO with all this data?
(it’s emailed to you when you get the software!)
My very special bonus (over 30 info-packed pages!) Includes:
• How to use your software to MAXIMUM benefit!
• How to make great use of all that PINTEREST data!
• My own added curated bonus Videos & Insider Bonus tips!
and more!...

This guide of mine could have been a $67 'stand alone product'! But it's yours FREE TODAY when you get your Pin Inspector software through this review page!
In this guide, I show you...
• what to do with all that data!
• How to MAXIMIZE your Pinterest profits (by APPLYING what the software shows you!)
• How to get the MOST out of your BONUS videos!
• How to create terrific Pin Descriptions (super simple)
• 2 Ways to get tons of followers!
• A different way you can make use of your "pin data" to tremendously increase your Etsy (or other) sales (even if you never create a single pin!).
• How you can SAVE TONS OF TIME by turning ONE pin into THREE pins!
And more!
MORE GOOD NEWS!... You can practically STEAL this software and bonuses!
You see, I also secured a HUGE 44% DISCOUNT for you!
I got the software creator to EXTEND this ALMOST HALF OFF DISCOUNT for you!!
(but I'm not sure for how long so HURRY!).
REMEMBER...you get:
- The amazing Pin Inspector software (I even use it for personal use when researching my hobbies and pastimes!)
- 19 easy to follow software tutorial videos! (You'll love these!)
- TONS of bonus material! (you'll be ahead of 97% of the marketers out there! - one video shows you how to do affiliate marketing with NO website needed!)
- A whopping 44% Discount!
- And when you go through this email, you also get my exclusive awesome 30+ page BONUS! $67 VALUE! FREE! (This ALONE is worth more than you'll pay for the entire package!)
Click Here Now and watch the demo video!
and secure your whopping 44% discount and my exclusive bonus while still available!
All the best,
Click Here Now before you forget!
PPS - My exclusive bonus will arrive by email automatically.
Click Here Now so you don't miss out!